Towards understanding ISLAM
A. Understanding Islam
The word Islam is a form of verb aslama of Islamization. Expressive "subject" and "pasrah-surrender." Al-Quran verses that refer to this understanding, such as invocation of God to Abraham: "When his Lord said to him:" subject patuhlah! "Ibrahim replied:" I am subject to God's abiding of the Worlds ". I In another paragraph mentioned that" If they dispute (the truth about al-Islam), then say: "I submit myself to God and the (also) those who follow ..." ii
Islam has also said the root of the word's meaning slm containing "reconciliation", "peaceful", "goodbye", "comprehensive", and "integrated", "do not split". Iii Ibn Taimiyah interpret this as a word islam honesty, attitude and tundup obey. Moderate Muhammad Asad, in his work The Message of the Qur'an the word Islam is interpreted as "self-surrender to God". Iv Islam in servility, and abasement pasrah this, explicitly indicated Al-Quran in two forms, namely, the submission and submission (Islam) is natural to the will of God, as God fiman, which read:
أفغير دين الله يبغون وله أسلم من في السموات والأرض طوعا وكرها وإليه يرجعون
This means: "Do they seek other than the religion of Allah's religion? [But] to submit a self-Nyalah all that is in the heavens and the earth, whether forced or like, and only returned to their Allahlah "(QS. Ali Imran [3]: 83.
Second, Islam (submission and resignation) which is the principle teachings of the Prophet or Apostle. Here are some verses of Al-Quran-Islam shows to the an-Nabi and Rasul.
Noah-"If ye turn away (from reminding), I do not ask for a bit of a reward you. My reward is only from Allah, and I is that of those who surrender (muslimûn) "(QS. Jonah [10]: 72.
Ibrahim "Abraham was not a Jew, and not also Nashrani, but he is a person that is straight (Hanif) again surrendered (Muslims) and was not included among the idolaters" (QS. Ali Imran [3]: 67 ). "When his Lord said to him:" subject patuhlah! "Ibrahim replied:" I am abiding subject to God of hosts "(QS. al-Baqarah [2]: 131).
Ya'kub-"And Abraham said to transmit greeting his children, so Ya'kub. (He said): "O my sons! Allah has chosen this religion for you, do not die except in a state of surrender (muslimûn) "(QS. Ali Imran [3]: 132).
Joseph-"My Lord, verily Thou has given the kingdom and has been a part of teaching me some ta'bir dream. (Lord). Pencita the heavens and the earth. You pelindungku in the world and the Hereafter, in the circumstances wafatkanlah I surrender (Muslims) and I gabungkanlah with those of the righteous "(QS. Joseph [12]: 101.
Luth-"Then we remove those who believe that the country is in the Luth. We did not find in the country, except a house of those surrendered (Muslims) "(QS. al-Dzariyat [51]: 35-36).
Moses, "Moses said: O my people, if you believe in God, then trust in Him alone, if you are the person who surrendered (Muslims)" (QS. Ynus [10]: 84).
Al-Hawariyyun (pursuivant Jesus) - "And when Jesus knew their refusal (Bani Israel), he said:" Who will be the helper-helpers (to uphold the religion of) Allah? "The hawariyyin (faithful friends) said: We helper-helper (religion) of Allah, we believe in Allah and that we watch are those who surrender (muslimûn) "(QS. Ali Imran [3]: 52). "And (remember) when I inspired the faithful vassal of Jesus:" Believe ye to me and to the apostles Me. " They said: "We have believed in and watch (O Messenger), that we were abiding, surrender (muslimûn)" (al-QS. Maarij [5]: 111).
Explanation of the above, showed the understanding of Islam etimologis (kebahasaan), the servility, abasement, pasrah-surrender, reconciliation, peace, safe, comprehensive, and integrated or not split. Medium term according to (terminologis), islam is defined differently. Muhammadiyah, for example, defines the Islamic religion as follows:
الدين هو ما شرعه الله على لسان أنبيائه من الاوامر والنواهى والارشادات لصلاح العباد دنياهم وأخراهم.
"Religion is what God has disyari'atkan through prophets-His, in the form of commands and restrictions, restrictions and instructions-guide to the good people in the world and the Hereafter."
االدين (اي الدين الاسلامى) الذي جاء به محمد صلعم هو ما أنزله الله فى القران وما جاءت به السنة الصحيحة من الاوامر والنواهى والارشادات لصلاح العباد دنياهم وأخراهم.
"Religion, the religion of Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad saw. is that which Allah in the Qur'an and the Sunna in the shahih, in the form of commands and restrictions, restrictions and instructions-guide to the good people in the world and the Hereafter. "v
B. Source of Islamic Teachings
As explained in the definition above, there are two sources of the teachings of Islam, the Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah. Al-Quran is the Book of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad saw. Are al-Sunnah is the explanation and teachings of the Qur'an that the Prophet Muhammad saw. The method to understand the teachings of Islam which is in Al-Quran and al-Sunnah is diligence. In general, defined as individual business truly understand or explain in the Al-Quran and al-Sunnah to get the decision (knot) law. Diligence as to the method of divided three forms, namely bayâni diligence, diligence qiyâsi and diligence istishlâhi. Diligence bayâni explanation is Al-Quran and al-Sunnah with kebahasaan. Qiyâsi diligence is the settlement of a dispute (public issue), which does not include legal provisions in the Al-Quran and al-Sunnah. Qiyâsi effort this can be done through several approaches, among others: qiyas, istihsan, istishhab, ijma, al-'urf, Fath al-dzari'ah wa sadduha, qaul shahabat and tarjih. While the effort is an explanation istishlahi Al-Quran and al-Sunnah kemaslahatan approach.
In Muhammadiya own tradition, the three known forms of the approach in the effort to understand Al-Quran and al-Sunnah, the approach bayani, burhani and irfani. Bayani approaches related to the way the Al-Quran and al-Sunnah based on the analysis kebahasaan. Approach burhani hooked with rational analysis. Approach is used, among others, sociology, anthropology, history and herrmeneutik. Medium irfani approach is the approach that is based on experience batini, zauq, qalb, basirah and intuition.
C. Gist Islamic Teachings
1. Tauhid Islam as a Religion
"Wamâ arsalnâka min qablika min rasûlin illa nûhiya ilayhi anahu la illa ana fa'budûni god" (And We sent not a rasulpun before you, but we wahyuka to him: "bahwasannya there is no god but I, therefore worship Me) (QS. Al-Anbiya '[21]: 25). Hud, Salih, Syu'eb and always called him "Yes qaumi 'budu al-Allâha ma lakum min ilâhin ghairuh" (O people, worship God, was no other than God for Him) (QS. al-A' raf [7]: 59, 65, 73 and 85; Al-Mukminun [23]: 23; Hood [11]: 61, 84). Similarly, the apostles after Noah, Abraham and Muhammad always a message saying this nation (QS. al-Mukminun [23]: 31-32). Own teaching of the Prophet Muhammad "Fa 'lam annahû no god al-illa Allah" (Know that there is no god but Allah) (QS. QS. Muhammad [47]: 19), and "Qul innamâ ana basyarun mitslukum yûha ilaya annamâ ilâhukum ilâhun unique "(Say:" I am only a man like you, who revealed to me that sesung-guhnya your Lord is the Lord of Esa) (QS. Al-Kahfi [18]: 110; Fushilat [41]: 6).
2. Islam as Religion disposition
Ayat Al-Quran which directly refers to the description of Islam as a religion is a natural tendency verse 30 of surat al-Rum [30], which read:
فأقم وجهك للدين حنيفا فطرة الله التي فطر الناس عليها لا تبديل لخلق الله ذلك الدين القيم ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون
"So hadapkanlah with a straight face to the (Religion) of Allah (keep up) disposition that God has created man according to the disposition. There is no change in the character of God. (That is) the right religion, but most people do not know. "
3. Islam as Religion balance, benevolence and Welfare
Ayat Al-Quran which directly refers to the explanation of the balance of Islam as a religion, good and welfare of paragraph 77 is a letter from al-Qashash [28], which read:
وابتغ فيما اتاك الله الدار الأخرة ولا تنس نصيبك من الدنيا وأحسن كما أحسن الله إليك ولا تبغ الفساد فى الأرض إن الله لا يحب المفسدين
"And look what God has been awarded to you (happiness) of the Hereafter, and do not forget bahagianmu from (enjoyment) and a worldly okay (to others) as Allah has been good to you and do not do mischief on earth. Allah loveth not those who do mischief. "
4. Islam as Religion Humanitarian
Islam explicitly consider the important position as a weak leader and heir to the earth.
ونريد أن نمن على الذين استضعفوا في الأرض ونجعلهم أئمة ونجعلهم الوارثين
"And the author wanted to give the gift to the people who oppressed in the earth, and would make them leaders and make them the people who inherit (the earth)" (QS. al-Qashash [28]: 5).
وأورثنا القوم الذين كانوا يستضعفون مشارق الأرض ومغاربها التي باركنا فيها وتمت كلمة ربك الحسنى على بني إسرائيل بما صبروا ودمرنا ما كان يصنع فرعون وقومه وما كانوا يعرشون
"And the author pusakakan to the people who have it be crushed, the lands east of the earth and the western portion of the author has been given a blessing on it. Perfected and the good word of your Lord (for appointments) for the Children of Israel because of their patience. Author and destroy what has made Fir `aún and his people and what they have built (QS. al-A'raf [7]: 137).
Islam is also a look of interest and obligation to stand up, do the defense, defend the weak and the oppressed. This view is described by Al-Quran in a letter al-Nisa '[4]: 75, which read:
وما لكم لا تقاتلون في سبيل الله والمستضعفين من الرجال والنساء والولدان الذين يقولون ربنا أخرجنا من هذه القرية الظالم أهلها واجعل لنا من لدنك وليا واجعل لنا من لدنك نصيرا
Will you not fight in the way of Allah and (defend) those who either weak men, women and children of all berdo `a:" God the author, the author out of the country's population is wrong and give the author protector and helper of the Thou (QS. al-Nisa '[4]: 75).
The above paragraph is a criticism of people who just stand by sitting, while there are people around who have experienced oppression. In another sense, consider a clause is of interest and obligation to stand up, do the defense, defend the weak and the oppressed. View of the weak is increasingly clear that the command to conduct the defense of the weak are oppressed (al-Nasr wa dha'îf 'awn al-mazhlûm).
أمرنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بسبع بعيادة المريض واتباع الجنائز وتشميت العاطس ونصر الضعيف وعون المظلوم وإفشاء السلام وإبرار المقسم ونهى عن الشرب في الفضة ونهانا عن تختم الذهب وعن ركوب المياثر وعن لبس الحرير والديباج والقسي والإستبرق
This means: Rasulullah Saw ordered with the author of seven things: menziarahi the sick, accompany corpse, sneezing bless people, defend the weak and oppressed (the dizalimi), salute, and the oath to the truth, and He Saw the author prohibited to drink from the glass with silver , wearing a gold ring, silk carpet, and wear silk, fine silk, artificial silk Qasiy, silk and thick (HR. Bukhari).
In another hadith as diriwayatkan by Tirmidzi, David Abu, and al-Nasa'i He also ordered to find and help people who have weak (dhu'afa).
أبغونى ضعفائكم فإنما ترزقون بضعفائكم
"Search and help your people dhu'afa, for you fed and given rizki because (do'a and blessing) of dhu'afa".
In addition, since the beginning of Islam also hurl criticisms against various forms of social exploitation of the poor and lack a sense of social responsibility (sense of social responsbility). Letters initial Al-Quran, as had been presented, showing the kecamannya practice against the accumulation of wealth through greed ethic, attitude and socio-economic exploitation in the form of passivity towards the suffering of children orphaned and those
5. Islam as Religion Science and civilization
Islam provides a strong foundation for this scientific concept. Al-Quran surat Al-Muzadilah [28]: 11, for example, explains that God will raise the degree of the believers and berilmu.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا قيل لكم تفسحوا في المجالس فافسحوا يفسح الله لكم وإذا قيل انشزوا فانشزوا يرفع الله الذين آمنوا منكم والذين أوتوا العلم درجات والله بما تعملون خبير
This means: "O those who believe, when you said:" Berlapang room in the chamber, "then lapangkanlah, Allah akan provide for leisure. And when it is said: "Stand up for you, then stand, Allah will raise those who believe among you and those who are given some degree of knowledge. And Allah is Informed of what ye do."
While the history described in a number of positions on science, the search for knowledge and scientists in a very exalted position. For example, in a history stated that "Science is the knowledge owned by people who lost Mu'min, where he get it, he's more entitled to have the other." "Search for knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim." Seek knowledge from cradle to the liang lahat. " History in other states that "he who followed a path in the search for knowledge, Allah will give way to heaven"; Angel akan mengepakan (safeguard) penulispnya and ask forgiveness of those who are seeking knowledge "; scientists is heir to the Prophet."
Until there is not even, the first revelation itself is iqra command '(QS. Al-Alaq [96]: 1-5), the command to read, analyze, fathom, investigate and dig science pengetahuan.vii If Paulo Freire, a character education Brazil, the successful ketdakadilan read and write kebodohon of education through the introduction of critical, long before the birth Freire, of the Prophet Muhammad has introduced iqra ideology (read) this kejahiliahan people to change Arab society into a berperadaban forward on zamannya.
6. Islam as Religion Spiritual
In relation to spirituality, Islam includes many insights, concepts and specifics of ethics-spiritual teachings. Among the concepts of ethics-is an important spiritual faith, islam, charity, god-fearing, sincere (honesty), tawakal, gratitude, patience, at, brotherhood (ukhuwat), equality (musâwat), fair, good meeting (husnu Zhan), humble (tawadhu '), just the promise of (al-wafâ'), capacious chest, tolerant and appreciate diversity (insyirah), trustworthy (mandate), scanty (qawamiyat), officer ( 'iffat, ta'affuf) and the dedication and generosity (al-munfiqûn).
7. Islam as Religion Dakwah
Ayat Al-Quran popular with barbed penjelasn Islamic propaganda as this is the verse 104 of surat Ali Imran [3], which read:
ولتكن منكم أمة يدعون إلى الخير ويأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر واولئك هم المفلحون
"Adakanlah from you, to invite the classes of Islamization, to enjoin good and prevent the deterioration. They are among the lucky blessed. "
D. Gynecology Islamic Teachings
Islamic teachings are thorough with the other one can not separate-separate. The umu womb Islamic teachings can be grouped four areas, namely Aqidah, morals, worship, and muamalah. Belief is related to the teachings of faith. Moral teachings are related to the formation of mental attitude. Worship (mahdlah) is related to the teachings of the procedure and the human relationship with God. The muamalah is related to the teachings of the world and of society.
posted by Ners Indonesia & Thanks for Our teacher Mr.Isep Zaenal Abidin...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Endokrin system has a function to maintain hemoestatis, silent mensekresikan hormones that work in the system persyarafan, the growth and development and control sexual development and reproduction.
hormone is a chemical compound produced by khsus endocrine particular. there are hormones and hormone local public. example of a local hormone is released by the Asetilkolin the tip-end of the nerve and nerve parasimpatis order. Sekretin were released by duedenum wall and transported in the blood penkreas to cause sekresi pancreas and kolesistokinin were released diusus fine, so be kekandung bile relief gall bladder contraction and so the pancreas arise sekresi enzyme.
In addition there is a local hormone hormone general. is a common hormone is a hormone by endocrine disekresikan special. some hormone dpengaruhi almost smua cell body such as hormones and growth hormone teroid. hormones affect the only other network spesifikyang network called the target, this is due to the specific target cells reseptor akan that bind specific hormones accordingly.
Terms of chemical hormones
divided into three types:
1.Hormon steroid; most of this type comes from cholesterol. This hormone is an example korteks adrenal hormones such as kortisol and aldosteron, ovarium the hormone estrogen and progesteron, namely terstis hormone testosteron and plasenta hormones (estrogen and progesteron).
2.Derivat amino acid tirosin; example of this type of hormone DIH Tiroksin, triodotironin, epineprin, and norepineprin.
3.Protein or peptida; basically all endokrin hormone that can be an important protein derivat, derivat of peptida or both. all the protein hormone formed by retikulum endoplasma of granular gland cells. protein formed is the first large molecules called preprohormon. Preprohormon in prohormon broken into. prohormon transported in vesikel transporter retikulum endoplasma the golgi body.
Storage and sekresi hormone
Prohormon into protein active form of hormone end. hormone dipedatkan and stored in vesikel sekretorik or granula sekretorik. hormone will still be stored there until the signal, another hormone signal aau local chemical or physical.
Feedback control system SEKRESI IN hormone.
Endocrine naturally have a tendency to mensekresikan excessive hormonya. therefore, this trend will increasingly use the hormone effects on organ terget settings. akan target organ and then perform multiple functions. but if too many functions that occur, usually a function of several factors that will be the feedback for the endocrine gland, so reducing the speed sekresinya. in another sense, the system feedback on the system endokrin is where the effects of a hormone in the target organ will reduce sekresi hormone itself. this is going to maintain balance.
Hormone endokrin almost never work directly on the system intraseluler. Hormones are usually the first time joined the reseptor a hormone found in the cells. combination with the hormone rise to a series reseptor have a large effect.
Location Reseptor
Or on the inside surface of the cell membrane. reseptor for this special class of protein hormones, peptida, epineprin, and norepineprin. reseptor is located within the sitoplasma cells. reseptor this for a variety of steroid hormones .. Reseptor located in the cell nucleus. Reseptor for this hormone metabolik tiroid as tiroksin and triodotironin.
Anatomy HIPOFISIS gland / gland PITUITARY
Hipofisis gland located under the hipotalamus. there are two, namely lobus anterior and posterior. adenohipofisis with neurohipofisis difference is in the cell called sekretorik Lobus Anterior Adenohipofisis (lobus largest). lobus posterior neurohipofisis called. neurohipofisis sebagia is a large set of edge-edge syarafdari hipotalamus (cells neurosekretorik). Akson of nerve cells neurosekretorik descend down in the form of a rod with infidibulum kekelenjar hipofisis establish direct relationship between the system with the nerve system endokrin. neurosekretorik cells hipotalamus other mensekresikan releasing hormonekepembuluh portal blood and carried to the cells sekretorik in adenohipofisis cells sekretorik and provide a response to the hormone mensekresikan.
Relationships between hipotalamun with hipofisis
gland between hipotalamus called "master gland" although there is also a mention is the master gland hipotalamus. Hipotalamus mensekresikan hormone releasing factor. neurohipofisis is a neuron with akson not bermyelin. hormones produced in body cells dihipotalamus and disekresikan by the end of the cell that is in the hipofisis.
Hormone Hipotalamus
Hipotalamus issue hormones as follows:
1.Growth hormone Releasing Factor (GHRF)
2.Growth hormones Inhibiting Factor (GHIF)
3.Prolacting Inhibiting Factor (PIH)
4.Prolacting Releasing Factor (PRH)
5.Thyrotropin Releasing hormone (TRH)
6.Gonadotropin Releasing hormone (GnRH)
7.Corticotropic Releasing hormone (CRH)
8.Follicle Stimulating hormone Releasing Factor (FSHRH)
Hormone Neurohipofisis
1.Antiduretik hormone (ADH) / Vaspresin
Antidiureti hormone / Vasopresin
Antidiuretik hormone target organ is kidney. This hormone works in epitel tubulus kidney. Absorpsi increase in water duktus kolektifus kidney, smooth muscle contraction in arteriol, increase blood pressure. Antidiuretik hormone / ADH plays an important role in setting the balance of body fluids. This lack of hprmon cause dibetes insipidus.
Oksitosin work stimulates smooth muscle contraction diuterus during childbirth and stimulate myioepitel cells dipayudara cause contraction myioepitel increase expenditure ASI.
Hormone Adenohipofisis
1.Growth hormone
3.Adrenocorticotropic hormone
4.Luteneizing hormone
5.Follicle hormone-Stimulaing
6.Melanocyte Stimulating hormone
7.Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Growth hormone
Growth hormone called hormone somatotropik aau somatotropit. This hormone causes growth of the whole body of the network is able to grow. Growth hormone causes the addition of cell size and increase the process of mitosis is followed by the increase in the number of cells and diferensissi some special types of cells such as cell-bone cell growth and muscle cells.
Growth hormone effects Metabolik
Growth hormone increased the rate of protein synthesis throughout the body cells, improving the mobilization of free fatty acid in the blood glucose and increase throughout the body. So, in fact, the effect of growth hormone is to increase the body protein, using the fat from the misuse and save carbohydrate.
Prolaktin have the following functions:
1.Bersama with estrogen to stimulate the formation of the system in duktus water susu gland during pregnancy
2.Merangsang establishment of breastfeeding after birth
Tyroid Stimulating hormone
Tyroid Stimulating hormone / TSH also called tyrotropin and stimulate Sintesa and sekresi hormone tiroid.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is also called corticotropin / functioned adrenocorticotropin stimulate mensekresikan for korteks adrenal steroid hormone that is glukokotikoid.
Luteneizing hormone
Luteinezing hormone stimulates the process ovulasi (release egg cells mature ovarium of each month) and the male hormone testosteron stimulate spending.
Follicle Stimulating hormone
Follicle stimulating hormone is also called follitripin, works to stimulate follicle growth in oarium into a mature egg cell cycle in menstruasi, follicle stimulating jiga for mensekresikan estrogen. the male role in sperm production (spermatogenesis).
Melanosyt Stimulating hormone
Certainly not the function clearly, the function that has been identified adalalah increase melanosit activity.
Gland anatomy Tyroid
Tirod gland located dileher, trakea front. consists of two lobus the left and right of the center as called ishmus. tiroid gland is a collection of hundreds of thousands even as the ball and follicle hormone tiroid stored therein. follicle composed of a single top layer of cells epitel kuboid. kelenjartiroid consists of two types of cells, namely follikular. follikular cells is a primary cell, cell size parafollikular greater than follikuler cells. parafollikuler groups of cells found among follikel.
Gland hormone Tiroid
Tiroid gland produces hormones tiroksin, triodotironin and Kalsitonin / Tirokalsitonin. gland tiroid the only gland that is capable of saving sekresinya outside the main cell and stored in a different form with the original form of hormonnya the disekresikan kepembuluh blood. Chemicals stored akan parsed first by an enzyme is released before kepembuluh blood. due to a blood vessel through the follikel hormone tiroid can easily exit kekapiler.
Tiroksin and Triodotironin
Tiroksin molecular iodine atom has 4, so often referred tetraiodotironin or T4. Triodotironin molecular iodine atom has 3 so-called T3. Parafollikuler cells (also called C cells) menghasilakan kalsitonin a role in lowering the blood calcium level.
T3 and T4 have a role in increasing the body's metabolism, increase the sensitivity of the system kardiovaskuler activity simpatis and skeletal muscle Homeotatis.
Kalsitonin a role in lowering the blood calcium level. kalsitonin work directly on the osteoklas to reduce the effectiveness in calcium reabsorpsi also give impact to improve the movement of calcium darh ketulang. kalsitonin work only in a short time. for the long-term regulated by hormones paratiroid. kalsitonin how to work more dirangsang directly by the degree of calcium in the blood is governed by the center is higher with the feedback mechanism from hipotalamus-hipofisis. kalsitonin also menurunka kadar posfat in blood.
Gland anatomy Paratiroid
Paratiroid gland located on the back of the gland tiroid. There are two paratiroid gland in each lobus gland tiroid. Main task is to set up and pospat measure calcium in the blood.
Work paratiroid hormone in maintaining the balance of blood calcium can be described as follows:
1.merangsang activity osteoklas network to destroy bone and release calcium from bone into the blood.
2.Meningkatkan absorpsi calcium and pospat diusus fine. Feed this process requires that adekuat vitamin D from diet and hormone 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 produced in the kidney.
3.Meningkatkan reabsorpsi calcium ditubulus kidney removed sehinggga the kuurin less.
Three hormones that play a role in Blood Calcium:
1.Kalsitonin the lower daah with calcium from the bones menghanbat reabsorpsi
2.Paratiroid hormones that increase blood calcium level with the release of calcium from bone and stimulate osteoklas increase reabsorpsi ditubulus kidney
3.1,25-dihidroxyvitamin D3 from kidney absropsi increase diusus and calcium mobilization of bone calcium
The calcium skematik settings can be described on the following page:
Pancreas gland
Anatomy of pancreas gland
Pancreas gland located behind the stomach. consists of the head, body and tail, has two functions, namely endokrin and eksokrin. Eksokrin function with the issue enzin-enzyme disekresikan into the channel / duktus while endokrin function with sekresi directly into the vein. Bagia pancreas that functions endokrin only about 1 percent of the overall anatomy pakreas called islands langerhands. Island langerhands terdir top 3 types of cells, namely cell Alfa, a bead delta. Alpha cells produce glukagon, Beta Cells produce insulin and somatostatin producing delta Tues.
Glukagon work glikogenolisis stimulate the process in the liver to increase blood sugar (the largest), more than that also can stimulate the occurrence of glukogenolisis, and stimulate peleaasan fatty acid gliserol from adipose network.
Insulin role untukmemfasilitasi Membrane transport glucose through the plasma also play a role in the process glikogenesis (glikogen formation of glucose) dihati. insulin efak also provide a decrease in blood sugar. The mechanism of blood sugar and insulin by glukagon.
Role of insulin and glukagon in the balance of blood sugar in skematik can be described as follows:
Adrenal gland anatomy
Adrenal gland located at the top of the kidneys. Comprises two layers, namely korteks and medulla. Korteks Adrenal consists of 3 layers namely: Zona glomerulosa (the outside), fasikulata zone (middle part) and Retikularis zone (zone under fasikulata). Adrenal gland produces 3 types of steroid hormone that is: Glukokortikoid, mineralokortikortikoid / aldosterondan Gonadokortikortikoid / sex hormone.
Korteks Adrenal
Zone Glomerulosa
Zone produces hormone mineralokortikoid / aldosteron. Hormones are working diepitel tubulus renalis, a role in the hormone level natrium.
Zone Fasikulata
Zone glukokortikoid produce this hormone, 4 kinds of glukokortikoid namely cortisol, cortisone, corticosterone and 11-deoxycorticosterone. Glukokortikoid a role in helping control the sugar in the blood. Cortisol holds 95% of the activity glukokortikoid. Glukokortikoid affect the metabolism of all food types, a role as an agent antiu inflanmasi, affect the growth and decrease the effect of physical and emotional stress.
Glukokortikoid largest effect is glukoneogenesis (formation of glucose from non carbohydrate, such as from acid amono and fat). Glukoneogenesis effect because the cells do not need the sugar from the blood so that the increase in blood sugar which is called the effect diabetogenik called adrenal diabetes. Cortisol facilitating role in protein metabolism, increase fat metabolism as a possible source of energy and other effects of cortisol is pressing allergi reaction and response to inflammat Zone Retikularis
Generate Androgen and Estrogen hormones.
Medulla Adrenal
Medulla adrenal produces adrenalin and noradrenalin. Adrenalin disassemble glikogen useful in muscle, liver and fight (quarrel), flight (flying), Fright (fear).
Effect Epinefrin
1.Dilatasi vein coronary
2.Dilatasi arteriol and visceral muscle skelet
3.Meningkatkan HR and CO
4.Meningkatkan TD
5.Menghambat GI smooth muscle contraction
6.Menyebabkan relaxation
7.Dilatasi roads breath
RR 8.Meningkatkan volume and respiratory
9.Menurunkan fatigue
10.Merangsang glikodenolisis
11.Meningkatkan blood glucose
12.Meningkatkan oxygen consumption
13.Menghambat insulin release by pancreas
Effect Norepinefrin
1.Dilatasi vein coronary
2.vasokontriksi in other organs
3.Meningkatkan HR and CO
4.Meningkatkan TD because vasokontriksi perifer
5.Relaksasi smooth muscle in the GI
6.Meningkatkan metabolism of fat and fatty acid bebeas release from adipose network.
Korteks adrenal response and medulla of the adrenal stress
Gonad reproductive organ of a male or female. reproductive organs of male or female. Reproductive organs in women is ovarium and testis in men. Mensekresikan hormone that play a role in the function of reproduction. Sex hormones male (androgen), female sex hormone (estrogen, progesterone, and relaxin).
Sex hormones Male
Three hormone that play a role in the function of reproduction. The hormone testosterone is the most produced olel selintertisial testis. Other hormones LH and FSH are issued by the adenohipofisis. Testosteron worked with LH and FSH to stimulate hair growth on face and pubis, so that it widening laring voice changes occur.
Women's Sex hormones
In the female sex hormone that is entrogen (estrin, estron and ekstradiol) to assist the development cycle and menstruasi mamma gland and characteristics of female secondary sex organs. Progesteron (progestin) menstruasi also set the cycle and the development of the mamma gland plasenta for the establishment of early pregnancy while on relaksin produced only a little, play a role during childbirth with the cervix soften and cause relakasi ligament-ligamen simphisis pubis.
Kidney hormone produced some of them:
Erythropoetin a role in facilitating the production eritrosit Sintesa eritrosit hemoglobin and release of bone smsum.
Pineal gland / Epifisis
Epifisis produce melatonin which is a derivate of serotonin. Melatonin gland is removed at night, light this prevent hormone. definitely not known function, a role in the sleep cycle.
Gland Tymus
Tymus gland located behind the sternum. is a lymphoid organ with two lobus. In the cortex / korteks much limfosit and the dalammya contain less limfosit. Many blood vessel, but there are very few nerve fiber, a lot of work on the child until the age of early adulthood ago atropi fat into the network. Stress berkepenjangan speed atropi this gland hormone adrecorticoid expenditure due to the damage the gland tymus network. The main function of this gland to process the T cell immunity. Hormonnya is: Tymosin Alfa, Tymosin B1-B5, Tymopoeitin! and II, Tymic humoral Factor, Tymostimulin Factor and Serum Tymic.
Granula in the atrium there is a hormone issue atrioprptin. Hormone released almost at any time and dipembuluh circulating blood. Sekresi hormone is increased if: Increased salinity, Increased blood volume is sufficient to stimulate reseptornya found in PD, kidney and adrenal gland. Atriopeptin also affect also affect blood pressure, sekresi natrium, potassium and water by kidney.
Digestive system
In the digestive system produce hormone Gastrin in the disekresikan by mokosa stomach, stimulates the production function and HCl-enzin enzyme digestion when food enters the stomach. Sekretin is another hormone that disekresikan mukosa duedonum. Sekretin stimulate spending bicarbonate from pancreas to neutralize stomach acid. Cholecystokinin disekresikan by duodenum wall. Stimulate contraction to remove the gall bladder bile keduedenum also merangsangpengeluaran enzyme-enzyme. pancreas digestion dai .. Villikinin stimulate contraction villi, Motilin to stimulate bowel movement, Bombesin stimulates sekresi sour stomach and prevent stomach motilitas while Gastric-inhibitory polypeptide play a role in preventing sekresi acid in the stomach.
Plasenta mensekresikan estrogen, progesterone, and HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin to maintain pregnancy. Target organ of the hormone-hormone page is ovarium, uterus and mamma klenjar.
posted by Ners Indonesia
Endokrin system has a function to maintain hemoestatis, silent mensekresikan hormones that work in the system persyarafan, the growth and development and control sexual development and reproduction.
hormone is a chemical compound produced by khsus endocrine particular. there are hormones and hormone local public. example of a local hormone is released by the Asetilkolin the tip-end of the nerve and nerve parasimpatis order. Sekretin were released by duedenum wall and transported in the blood penkreas to cause sekresi pancreas and kolesistokinin were released diusus fine, so be kekandung bile relief gall bladder contraction and so the pancreas arise sekresi enzyme.
In addition there is a local hormone hormone general. is a common hormone is a hormone by endocrine disekresikan special. some hormone dpengaruhi almost smua cell body such as hormones and growth hormone teroid. hormones affect the only other network spesifikyang network called the target, this is due to the specific target cells reseptor akan that bind specific hormones accordingly.
Terms of chemical hormones
divided into three types:
1.Hormon steroid; most of this type comes from cholesterol. This hormone is an example korteks adrenal hormones such as kortisol and aldosteron, ovarium the hormone estrogen and progesteron, namely terstis hormone testosteron and plasenta hormones (estrogen and progesteron).
2.Derivat amino acid tirosin; example of this type of hormone DIH Tiroksin, triodotironin, epineprin, and norepineprin.
3.Protein or peptida; basically all endokrin hormone that can be an important protein derivat, derivat of peptida or both. all the protein hormone formed by retikulum endoplasma of granular gland cells. protein formed is the first large molecules called preprohormon. Preprohormon in prohormon broken into. prohormon transported in vesikel transporter retikulum endoplasma the golgi body.
Storage and sekresi hormone
Prohormon into protein active form of hormone end. hormone dipedatkan and stored in vesikel sekretorik or granula sekretorik. hormone will still be stored there until the signal, another hormone signal aau local chemical or physical.
Feedback control system SEKRESI IN hormone.
Endocrine naturally have a tendency to mensekresikan excessive hormonya. therefore, this trend will increasingly use the hormone effects on organ terget settings. akan target organ and then perform multiple functions. but if too many functions that occur, usually a function of several factors that will be the feedback for the endocrine gland, so reducing the speed sekresinya. in another sense, the system feedback on the system endokrin is where the effects of a hormone in the target organ will reduce sekresi hormone itself. this is going to maintain balance.
Hormone endokrin almost never work directly on the system intraseluler. Hormones are usually the first time joined the reseptor a hormone found in the cells. combination with the hormone rise to a series reseptor have a large effect.
Location Reseptor
Or on the inside surface of the cell membrane. reseptor for this special class of protein hormones, peptida, epineprin, and norepineprin. reseptor is located within the sitoplasma cells. reseptor this for a variety of steroid hormones .. Reseptor located in the cell nucleus. Reseptor for this hormone metabolik tiroid as tiroksin and triodotironin.
Anatomy HIPOFISIS gland / gland PITUITARY
Hipofisis gland located under the hipotalamus. there are two, namely lobus anterior and posterior. adenohipofisis with neurohipofisis difference is in the cell called sekretorik Lobus Anterior Adenohipofisis (lobus largest). lobus posterior neurohipofisis called. neurohipofisis sebagia is a large set of edge-edge syarafdari hipotalamus (cells neurosekretorik). Akson of nerve cells neurosekretorik descend down in the form of a rod with infidibulum kekelenjar hipofisis establish direct relationship between the system with the nerve system endokrin. neurosekretorik cells hipotalamus other mensekresikan releasing hormonekepembuluh portal blood and carried to the cells sekretorik in adenohipofisis cells sekretorik and provide a response to the hormone mensekresikan.
Relationships between hipotalamun with hipofisis
gland between hipotalamus called "master gland" although there is also a mention is the master gland hipotalamus. Hipotalamus mensekresikan hormone releasing factor. neurohipofisis is a neuron with akson not bermyelin. hormones produced in body cells dihipotalamus and disekresikan by the end of the cell that is in the hipofisis.
Hormone Hipotalamus
Hipotalamus issue hormones as follows:
1.Growth hormone Releasing Factor (GHRF)
2.Growth hormones Inhibiting Factor (GHIF)
3.Prolacting Inhibiting Factor (PIH)
4.Prolacting Releasing Factor (PRH)
5.Thyrotropin Releasing hormone (TRH)
6.Gonadotropin Releasing hormone (GnRH)
7.Corticotropic Releasing hormone (CRH)
8.Follicle Stimulating hormone Releasing Factor (FSHRH)
Hormone Neurohipofisis
1.Antiduretik hormone (ADH) / Vaspresin
Antidiureti hormone / Vasopresin
Antidiuretik hormone target organ is kidney. This hormone works in epitel tubulus kidney. Absorpsi increase in water duktus kolektifus kidney, smooth muscle contraction in arteriol, increase blood pressure. Antidiuretik hormone / ADH plays an important role in setting the balance of body fluids. This lack of hprmon cause dibetes insipidus.
Oksitosin work stimulates smooth muscle contraction diuterus during childbirth and stimulate myioepitel cells dipayudara cause contraction myioepitel increase expenditure ASI.
Hormone Adenohipofisis
1.Growth hormone
3.Adrenocorticotropic hormone
4.Luteneizing hormone
5.Follicle hormone-Stimulaing
6.Melanocyte Stimulating hormone
7.Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Growth hormone
Growth hormone called hormone somatotropik aau somatotropit. This hormone causes growth of the whole body of the network is able to grow. Growth hormone causes the addition of cell size and increase the process of mitosis is followed by the increase in the number of cells and diferensissi some special types of cells such as cell-bone cell growth and muscle cells.
Growth hormone effects Metabolik
Growth hormone increased the rate of protein synthesis throughout the body cells, improving the mobilization of free fatty acid in the blood glucose and increase throughout the body. So, in fact, the effect of growth hormone is to increase the body protein, using the fat from the misuse and save carbohydrate.
Prolaktin have the following functions:
1.Bersama with estrogen to stimulate the formation of the system in duktus water susu gland during pregnancy
2.Merangsang establishment of breastfeeding after birth
Tyroid Stimulating hormone
Tyroid Stimulating hormone / TSH also called tyrotropin and stimulate Sintesa and sekresi hormone tiroid.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is also called corticotropin / functioned adrenocorticotropin stimulate mensekresikan for korteks adrenal steroid hormone that is glukokotikoid.
Luteneizing hormone
Luteinezing hormone stimulates the process ovulasi (release egg cells mature ovarium of each month) and the male hormone testosteron stimulate spending.
Follicle Stimulating hormone
Follicle stimulating hormone is also called follitripin, works to stimulate follicle growth in oarium into a mature egg cell cycle in menstruasi, follicle stimulating jiga for mensekresikan estrogen. the male role in sperm production (spermatogenesis).
Melanosyt Stimulating hormone
Certainly not the function clearly, the function that has been identified adalalah increase melanosit activity.
Gland anatomy Tyroid
Tirod gland located dileher, trakea front. consists of two lobus the left and right of the center as called ishmus. tiroid gland is a collection of hundreds of thousands even as the ball and follicle hormone tiroid stored therein. follicle composed of a single top layer of cells epitel kuboid. kelenjartiroid consists of two types of cells, namely follikular. follikular cells is a primary cell, cell size parafollikular greater than follikuler cells. parafollikuler groups of cells found among follikel.
Gland hormone Tiroid
Tiroid gland produces hormones tiroksin, triodotironin and Kalsitonin / Tirokalsitonin. gland tiroid the only gland that is capable of saving sekresinya outside the main cell and stored in a different form with the original form of hormonnya the disekresikan kepembuluh blood. Chemicals stored akan parsed first by an enzyme is released before kepembuluh blood. due to a blood vessel through the follikel hormone tiroid can easily exit kekapiler.
Tiroksin and Triodotironin
Tiroksin molecular iodine atom has 4, so often referred tetraiodotironin or T4. Triodotironin molecular iodine atom has 3 so-called T3. Parafollikuler cells (also called C cells) menghasilakan kalsitonin a role in lowering the blood calcium level.
T3 and T4 have a role in increasing the body's metabolism, increase the sensitivity of the system kardiovaskuler activity simpatis and skeletal muscle Homeotatis.
Kalsitonin a role in lowering the blood calcium level. kalsitonin work directly on the osteoklas to reduce the effectiveness in calcium reabsorpsi also give impact to improve the movement of calcium darh ketulang. kalsitonin work only in a short time. for the long-term regulated by hormones paratiroid. kalsitonin how to work more dirangsang directly by the degree of calcium in the blood is governed by the center is higher with the feedback mechanism from hipotalamus-hipofisis. kalsitonin also menurunka kadar posfat in blood.
Gland anatomy Paratiroid
Paratiroid gland located on the back of the gland tiroid. There are two paratiroid gland in each lobus gland tiroid. Main task is to set up and pospat measure calcium in the blood.
Work paratiroid hormone in maintaining the balance of blood calcium can be described as follows:
1.merangsang activity osteoklas network to destroy bone and release calcium from bone into the blood.
2.Meningkatkan absorpsi calcium and pospat diusus fine. Feed this process requires that adekuat vitamin D from diet and hormone 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 produced in the kidney.
3.Meningkatkan reabsorpsi calcium ditubulus kidney removed sehinggga the kuurin less.
Three hormones that play a role in Blood Calcium:
1.Kalsitonin the lower daah with calcium from the bones menghanbat reabsorpsi
2.Paratiroid hormones that increase blood calcium level with the release of calcium from bone and stimulate osteoklas increase reabsorpsi ditubulus kidney
3.1,25-dihidroxyvitamin D3 from kidney absropsi increase diusus and calcium mobilization of bone calcium
The calcium skematik settings can be described on the following page:
Pancreas gland
Anatomy of pancreas gland
Pancreas gland located behind the stomach. consists of the head, body and tail, has two functions, namely endokrin and eksokrin. Eksokrin function with the issue enzin-enzyme disekresikan into the channel / duktus while endokrin function with sekresi directly into the vein. Bagia pancreas that functions endokrin only about 1 percent of the overall anatomy pakreas called islands langerhands. Island langerhands terdir top 3 types of cells, namely cell Alfa, a bead delta. Alpha cells produce glukagon, Beta Cells produce insulin and somatostatin producing delta Tues.
Glukagon work glikogenolisis stimulate the process in the liver to increase blood sugar (the largest), more than that also can stimulate the occurrence of glukogenolisis, and stimulate peleaasan fatty acid gliserol from adipose network.
Insulin role untukmemfasilitasi Membrane transport glucose through the plasma also play a role in the process glikogenesis (glikogen formation of glucose) dihati. insulin efak also provide a decrease in blood sugar. The mechanism of blood sugar and insulin by glukagon.
Role of insulin and glukagon in the balance of blood sugar in skematik can be described as follows:
Adrenal gland anatomy
Adrenal gland located at the top of the kidneys. Comprises two layers, namely korteks and medulla. Korteks Adrenal consists of 3 layers namely: Zona glomerulosa (the outside), fasikulata zone (middle part) and Retikularis zone (zone under fasikulata). Adrenal gland produces 3 types of steroid hormone that is: Glukokortikoid, mineralokortikortikoid / aldosterondan Gonadokortikortikoid / sex hormone.
Korteks Adrenal
Zone Glomerulosa
Zone produces hormone mineralokortikoid / aldosteron. Hormones are working diepitel tubulus renalis, a role in the hormone level natrium.
Zone Fasikulata
Zone glukokortikoid produce this hormone, 4 kinds of glukokortikoid namely cortisol, cortisone, corticosterone and 11-deoxycorticosterone. Glukokortikoid a role in helping control the sugar in the blood. Cortisol holds 95% of the activity glukokortikoid. Glukokortikoid affect the metabolism of all food types, a role as an agent antiu inflanmasi, affect the growth and decrease the effect of physical and emotional stress.
Glukokortikoid largest effect is glukoneogenesis (formation of glucose from non carbohydrate, such as from acid amono and fat). Glukoneogenesis effect because the cells do not need the sugar from the blood so that the increase in blood sugar which is called the effect diabetogenik called adrenal diabetes. Cortisol facilitating role in protein metabolism, increase fat metabolism as a possible source of energy and other effects of cortisol is pressing allergi reaction and response to inflammat Zone Retikularis
Generate Androgen and Estrogen hormones.
Medulla Adrenal
Medulla adrenal produces adrenalin and noradrenalin. Adrenalin disassemble glikogen useful in muscle, liver and fight (quarrel), flight (flying), Fright (fear).
Effect Epinefrin
1.Dilatasi vein coronary
2.Dilatasi arteriol and visceral muscle skelet
3.Meningkatkan HR and CO
4.Meningkatkan TD
5.Menghambat GI smooth muscle contraction
6.Menyebabkan relaxation
7.Dilatasi roads breath
RR 8.Meningkatkan volume and respiratory
9.Menurunkan fatigue
10.Merangsang glikodenolisis
11.Meningkatkan blood glucose
12.Meningkatkan oxygen consumption
13.Menghambat insulin release by pancreas
Effect Norepinefrin
1.Dilatasi vein coronary
2.vasokontriksi in other organs
3.Meningkatkan HR and CO
4.Meningkatkan TD because vasokontriksi perifer
5.Relaksasi smooth muscle in the GI
6.Meningkatkan metabolism of fat and fatty acid bebeas release from adipose network.
Korteks adrenal response and medulla of the adrenal stress
Gonad reproductive organ of a male or female. reproductive organs of male or female. Reproductive organs in women is ovarium and testis in men. Mensekresikan hormone that play a role in the function of reproduction. Sex hormones male (androgen), female sex hormone (estrogen, progesterone, and relaxin).
Sex hormones Male
Three hormone that play a role in the function of reproduction. The hormone testosterone is the most produced olel selintertisial testis. Other hormones LH and FSH are issued by the adenohipofisis. Testosteron worked with LH and FSH to stimulate hair growth on face and pubis, so that it widening laring voice changes occur.
Women's Sex hormones
In the female sex hormone that is entrogen (estrin, estron and ekstradiol) to assist the development cycle and menstruasi mamma gland and characteristics of female secondary sex organs. Progesteron (progestin) menstruasi also set the cycle and the development of the mamma gland plasenta for the establishment of early pregnancy while on relaksin produced only a little, play a role during childbirth with the cervix soften and cause relakasi ligament-ligamen simphisis pubis.
Kidney hormone produced some of them:
Erythropoetin a role in facilitating the production eritrosit Sintesa eritrosit hemoglobin and release of bone smsum.
Pineal gland / Epifisis
Epifisis produce melatonin which is a derivate of serotonin. Melatonin gland is removed at night, light this prevent hormone. definitely not known function, a role in the sleep cycle.
Gland Tymus
Tymus gland located behind the sternum. is a lymphoid organ with two lobus. In the cortex / korteks much limfosit and the dalammya contain less limfosit. Many blood vessel, but there are very few nerve fiber, a lot of work on the child until the age of early adulthood ago atropi fat into the network. Stress berkepenjangan speed atropi this gland hormone adrecorticoid expenditure due to the damage the gland tymus network. The main function of this gland to process the T cell immunity. Hormonnya is: Tymosin Alfa, Tymosin B1-B5, Tymopoeitin! and II, Tymic humoral Factor, Tymostimulin Factor and Serum Tymic.
Granula in the atrium there is a hormone issue atrioprptin. Hormone released almost at any time and dipembuluh circulating blood. Sekresi hormone is increased if: Increased salinity, Increased blood volume is sufficient to stimulate reseptornya found in PD, kidney and adrenal gland. Atriopeptin also affect also affect blood pressure, sekresi natrium, potassium and water by kidney.
Digestive system
In the digestive system produce hormone Gastrin in the disekresikan by mokosa stomach, stimulates the production function and HCl-enzin enzyme digestion when food enters the stomach. Sekretin is another hormone that disekresikan mukosa duedonum. Sekretin stimulate spending bicarbonate from pancreas to neutralize stomach acid. Cholecystokinin disekresikan by duodenum wall. Stimulate contraction to remove the gall bladder bile keduedenum also merangsangpengeluaran enzyme-enzyme. pancreas digestion dai .. Villikinin stimulate contraction villi, Motilin to stimulate bowel movement, Bombesin stimulates sekresi sour stomach and prevent stomach motilitas while Gastric-inhibitory polypeptide play a role in preventing sekresi acid in the stomach.
Plasenta mensekresikan estrogen, progesterone, and HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin to maintain pregnancy. Target organ of the hormone-hormone page is ovarium, uterus and mamma klenjar.
posted by Ners Indonesia
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